Cathy Valente


I began taking art classes after retiring and very quickly got hooked on the versatility of colored pencil.

My personal artistic journey is an exploration of the senses, a tapestry woven from memories and emotions. Using colored pencils, I seek to bring those fleeting moments of the past into tangible existence, to evoke the sensation of a memory long forgotten.

Creativity is my compass and passion fuels my creative process. For me, art is more than just a medium of expression—it's a gateway to the past, a portal through which we can revisit cherished memories and rediscover the beauty that lies within them. Whether it's the scent of a latte, a cold beer, juicy burger, a vibrant cactus bloom, or the gentle touch of a loved one's hand, I aim to imbue my artwork with the power to spark these sensations anew.

Through my work, I hope to not only bring beauty into the world but to remind us of all the richness of life's experiences, and the magic that awaits in every moment.

I currently serve as the Membership Director of CPSA, and I am loving the interaction with the CPSA members.

Noteworthy News:

  • 2024 - Juried into - 32nd Annual CPSA International Exhibition - “Good Day Sunshine”

  • 2023 - Explore This! 19 CPSA District Chapters Great Explorations Award - Forgive Me, for I Have Sinned!”

  • 2023 - Published in CP Treasures Vol 9 - “Good Day Sunshine”

  • 2022 - Published in CP Hidden Treasures Vol 7 - “Midwest Memories”

  • 2021 - DC 212 Arts HQ Gallery, Pressing the Point show - Awarded Emerging Artist of the Year - “Beer Heaven”