Elliott Everson


Elliott Everson is an artist that has been living in Arizona most of his life. He derives much of his inspiration from the desert around us. His medium of choice to capture the textures and brilliance of the plants and animals is colored pencils. Each drawing consists of layer upon layer of color, to bring out the many subtle hues that nature itself provides. Colored pencil provides a medium that is well suited to exploring the variety of effects and textures from parched crusty bark and dried leaves to waxy smooth flesh of the prickly pear cactus or shiny scales and dry folds of skin on the reptiles.

Elliott graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelors degree in Art Education. Since then, he has won local and national awards for this colored pencil work and has been published in magazines and books. He is a Signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and a Juried member of the Arizona Artists Guild.