Mi Lirio, 2021. Acrylic on canvas.
I was born in East Los Angeles but now reside in Whittier, CA. I am a mixed media artist who has constantly been creating work throughout the years, filled with vibrant colors, patterns, objects, and people. Through my work, I explore many themes that are inspired by my experiences, culture, and traditions. My artwork is an incredible journey into the unknown, and it is through that exploration that I dive within myself to illustrate and discover stories of my family’s history by expressing the soul of my loved ones into artwork that one day will outlive me. The medium used is acrylic paint on a 36 x 24 inch canvas. The inspiration stems from a ceramic figurine that once was my abuelitas’ (grandma). The margarita flowers in the pattern background represent my mom and her relationship with her mother, which is represented as the main ceramic figure. From the little bit I know, my grandmother loved calla lilies. Every year in our hometown of Chapala, Jalisco, the women would collect calla lilies to sell. As for my grandmother, she would buy a bunch of lilies for her and her daughters to offer to the visiting virgin at their church. I believe that is why she gave us this figurine as a reminder of the small traditions she once had with her daughter.
-Karla Navarro (KDaze)