To show the world a piece of my soul is so intimate and rewarding. This is art is about for me.
I’m a Hungarian American artist, I grew up in Hungary and I’m living in California for the past 9 years.
Art was always part of my life, even at an early age I drew, later I was art major in elementary and high school. In my early 20’s I finished a window dresser/decoration designer school in Hungary, which was a good base to go study architecture at the university.
It was 2014 when I moved to the US, to start over in a new country. It is safe to say that’s challenging. I was more than 6000 miles away from my home, my friends and family. I found myself in a whole new world, new language, new culture, a different mindset. At the same time, I found a whole new undiscovered me.
It changed me inside out, every part of it. In the road I met my wonderful husband, who helped me with everything. We are raising an amazing son together. He is the reason I’m here today; he pushed me and supported me and gave me the time to paint.
In 2016 I bought my first oil paint set, and the journey begun. I started painting regularly, learned new techniques, tried new things. In the beginning I enjoyed painting landscapes, especially trees. I thought I would be a landscape painter. I was wrong.
Just like art spirituality was always part of my life. I attended “The Silva Mind Control Method”, Reiki I. and I am also a Theta Healer and instructor. I believe there is more to the world what our eyes can see. That is what my paintings reflect. I found myself particularly enjoying painting buildings, unique imaginary environments, mystic creatures.
My painting “Etheria” is actually an illustration by the book series called “The Black witch chronicles” by Laurie Forest. Needless to say, it is a fantasy book. While I was reading this scene was unfolding itself to me so vividly, I knew I have to paint it. Laurie (the author) liked the painting a lot, she posted it on her social media page.
To be part of this exhibition means a lot to me, because I made myself recognized outside of my home country. It allows me to believe in myself even better and to dream even bigger. Thank you.