Renee Reid


Renee Reid, a self-taught colored pencil artist, draws inspiration from her Jamaican heritage and vibrant upbringing in South Florida. Her first notable memory of exploring the arts was during her senior year of high school. Despite enjoying the art class, her passion for art would remain dormant until 2018. 

Renee majored in finance and worked in insurance, only thinking about art again after burnout hit. At this point, she felt a strong urge to find a creative outlet: a local colored pencil class. Renee was intrigued by the medium's vividness and ability to create intricate details, rekindling her artistic spirit.

The art that Renee creates takes viewers on an inner journey, using their eyes as a vehicle to explore their emotions and reflections. Her artwork serves as an invitation to experience how colored pencils, through many minor marks and layers, create a visual journey. 

The drawing, Me and My Peeps, is a self-portrait based on a photo Renee took of herself. Her posture displayed a mix of strength and guard. She felt something missing from the scene and immediately thought of the birds she would see in her backyard and on nature walks. She always paused to admire them while listening to their calls and songs. Renee thought they would be perfect companions on this journey.

In creating this drawing, Renee made a more significant piece at 19.5x25.5 inches using toned paper. She selected Canson Colorline paper in cream and paired it with Prismacolor Premier and Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils. Renee began drawing without an initial sketch or a detailed plan. Using an app on her phone, she placed a grid on the reference photo and used two rulers to get started. If Renee got stuck or bored with a section, she would switch to another—hair, background, or sometimes take a break. This was a way of holding tightly to the piece's excitement and not getting into her head too much. So, Renee planned as she went, staying present with the art. 

As with most colored pencil pieces, the artist spends considerable time on their work, and Renee believes that's when the artwork's meaning emerges. The Blue Jay became her protector; the Eastern Blue Bird felt like home, making a cozy nest in her hair, and the Painted Bunting represented the colorful side to life. They were officially her peeps. When people see this piece, Renee hope they feel a sense of strength and community—the connection Renee get from her feathered friends.

Renee has entered several shows and competition since beginning her colored pencil journey. Awards include the Unique by Nature Juried Art competition (McKinney, Texas) 2024 and 2018, two first-place, second-place, and third-place ribbons from the State Fair of Texas (2023), and a Special Merit award from Art and Color 365. Her work has been featured multiple times in Ann Kullberg's Color magazine and the annual CP Treasures publication. In addition, Renee's work has been juried into the Visual Arts Guild of Frisco (Texas), Creme de la Creme exhibition, Garland (Texas) Art Vibe art show, and received an Honorary Mention from the PleinAir Salon. Renee launched her first art collection this Spring and enjoys sharing her progress with her audience on social media platforms.