Q&A [Question and Artist]: Hunter Blaze Pearson

Q&A [Question and Artist]: Hunter Blaze Pearson

Meet Made in California artist Hunter Blaze Pearson! Read on to discover Hunter’s inspirations and techniques as a prolific contemporary artist.

[Brea Gallery]: Can you please introduce yourself and share with us who you are as an artist?

[Hunter]: Hi, my name is Hunter Blaze Pearson and I’m a mixed media painter from Malibu, CA.  I began my art career in the custom sneaker world, where I gained some high profile clients and transitioned into design work for bands and companies like Maroon 5 and Jack Daniel’s.  All the while, I was honing my fine art work and developed a unique form of mixed media painting that has become my calling card.  All of my work is hand drawn and painted with a combination of acrylic paint, colored pencils, and resin coatings that give my pieces rich colors and a glass-like finish.

[Brea Gallery]: How and why did you become an artist?

[Hunter]: I think I answered the “how” portion of this question in my previous answer, but the “why” is because I just can’t stop myself haha.  Whether I’m making a living at this or not, when the urge to create springs up, I simply can’t do anything else until I’ve brought my vision to life. 

[Brea Gallery]: Where do you find inspiration?

[Hunter]: I find most of my inspiration from music, movies, and other people’s work at art museums and shows. Something about seeing someone else “do the thing” ( in any art form ) is so exciting to me and gives me so much energy to create my own art.

American Dream, 2023, Hunter Blaze Pearson, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Resin

[Brea Gallery]: On the back of your panel, you listed some songs that you were listening to while you created, "American Dream." How does music influence your work?

[Hunter]: I absolutely love music!  I think I’d have to say it’s the art form that is the most affecting for me emotionally and physically.  Often times, when I listen to a new or unfamiliar tune I will immediately feel a certain mood and imagine certain visuals associated with it.  These images and vibes are not always associated with lyrics or the key of the piece, but they are very particular and I’ve often used them as the inspiration for a new painting.  If I’m ever in a creative rut, my first move is always to explore some new music or a genre I haven’t listened to in a while and 9 times out of 10 I’ll come out the other end with a renewed motivation and new ideas.

[Brea Gallery]: Who are some of your favorite artists?

[Hunter]: Some of my favorite artists are Gustav Klimt, Andy Warhol, Barkley L. Hendricks, James Jean, and Greg Ito.

[Brea Gallery]: What is your next big goal for your art career?

[Hunter]: My next big goal in my art career is to build up a large enough body of work to have my own solo show!

[Brea Gallery]: What advice do you have for emerging artists? What would you say to someone who is considering submitting artwork for MICA next year?

[Hunter]: For emerging artists, my best advice is to focus on growing your body of work, not just in quantity, but in quality as well.  As they say, “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation” so my philosophy is to make as much of the best work you can, so when opportunity comes knocking, you’ll be ready to deliver.  It’s also important to submit your work to as many galleries as you can.  Not only does this get your name out there, but it could also be the one step between you and gallery representation. Galleries often don’t take big steps, so you have to be confident and step up to meet them.  I’ve been super happy with my experiences at Brea Gallery, particularly in the MICA show, so if you’re ready to start applying to galleries (and are a California resident) I couldn’t recommend Brea’s MICA show more!

[Brea Gallery]: Where else can people see your work and what's coming up next?

[Hunter]: The two best places to stay up to date with my work are my website: www.hunterblaze.com and my instagram: @hunterblazepearson.  I’ve got a couple company collabs on the way as well as lots and lots of new paintings!  I hope you enjoy!

Hunter, thank you so much for taking the time to share your art practice with us! We cannot wait to see what you do next!

Check out Hunter’s website and follow his social media accounts! Visitors can view “American Dream”, winner of the Director’s Choice award, at the Brea Gallery until June 23rd, 2024.

We are open Wednesday - Sunday


General Admission $3

Made in California 2024 is on display now through June 23rd

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