Online Zoom Class
$95 (+ supply list)
Ages 18+
Is plein air painting for everyone? Absolutely! Is it just like painting in the studio? Well, not exactly. There are a few important things to remember to have a rewarding outdoor session. As an avid plein air panter, Keiko will share her tips on how to approach this unique experience and turn each of your future outdoor painting sessions into a great learning opportunity which will help inform your studio painting as well. Students will learn: how to prepare the appropriate tools and mindset, how to best utilize a sketchbook, how to make a composition work for you, and how to simplify the scene to capture it's essence.
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*Students will receive a link to the Zoom call via email prior to the start of the workshop
Supply List
Paints: any colors, brands; professional quality. My basic palette consists of cobalt blue, cadmium red, orange, permanent alizarin crimson, burnt sienna, quinacridone gold, raw sienna, lemon yellow, cobalt turquoise. It may also include: French ultramarine, sepia, neutral tint, titanium white, Dioxazine violet, quinacridone magenta, green gold, viridian and lavender. Sennelier, Winsor& Newton, Holbein, Daniel Smith.
Palette: any kind. A light-weight, smaller palette recommended.
Brushes: One for an initial wash: a larger size round with softer hair (such as Rafael Softaqua, Escoda Ultimo #18, Isabey squirrel mop). One for details with a fine point (such as Escoda Perla #12, Rafael Presicion). Others (such as an Oriental calligraphy brush, rigger, dagger). Bring any of your favorites.
Paper: rough or cold-pressed; 140Lb (300gm); professional quality such as Arches, Saunders/Waterford, Fabriano Artistico. Please practice on whatever you choose beforehand to make sure the paper works for you. Please also bring a few sheets to test/practice on. Drawing board, gatorboard, foamcore or anything that supports paper. If you use a block, this will not be necessary.
Paper Size: 14”x20” (36x51 cm) or smaller.
Other: Masking tape, clips, or staplers to secure paper to the board, Pencil (soft lead such as 2B and 4B) & eraser, Sketchbook or drawing pad for thumbnail sketches and small studies, A container for washing brushes, Towels or sponge
Optional: Watercolor pencils, charcoal, watercolor graphite, watercolor markers, watercolor sticks, masking fluid, tissue, color chart, viewfinder, value finder, ruler